1/21/24 The Coming and Going of the Kingdom of God: The Bitter sweetness of Kingdom Work

Scripture: Acts 13:6-12
Evangelist: Bro. Ian D. Nickerson, Sr.

  1. ​​In ch. 13, the church is becoming more full grown. Acts 11 first mention of elders. Acts 6 people who look like deacons
  2. ​​The church is getting to be fully grown
  3. ​​There’s nothing more uplifting than serving in the kingdom of God
  4. ​​Sometimes kingdom work can be sour and sweet
  5. ​​the Bittersweetness of Kingdom work
  6. ​​Bittersweet-pleasant but including or marked by elements of suffering
  7. Kingdom work can be pleasant but marked by suffering
  8. ​​Acts 13:1
  9. ​​Sweetness Acts 13 v’s 1-3
  10. ​​One of the blessings of kingdom work is being around people like us
  11. There will be some people in your life who you grew up with or growing up with now, it could be someone goes the wrong way. Don’t let it be you
  12. Another part of sweetness-a group of people to do ministry with
  13. You build a camaraderie with brothers and sisters in Christ
  14. It’s a source of encouragement seeing people minister together
  15. ​​Another sweetness-the people were called by the Holy Spirit. What you are involved in is God ordained
  16. ​​v.4 turn from sweetness to bitterness
  17. ​​You can preach and teach and some people will not obey the gospel
  18. ​​It can be discouraging when you plan, prepare, and present and there is no one to present to
  19. ​​When Barnabas and John did what they were supposed to do, they are able to teach the gospel to others
  20. ​​When you try to share the good news with people, sometimes there is someone else prohibiting them from turning their life around
  21. Luke 17:2
  22. ​​2 Timothy 3:8
  23. Sometimes we let our old selves block people from coming to Christ
  24. ​​Bitterness…sometimes out of hurt or deceitfulness causes others to not come to God
  25. No matter what happens, stay with God’s word. People will say things that are contrary but stay with God’s word
  26. Take the bitter with the sweet
  27. ​​In kingdom work, sometimes people who started with you will not end with you
  28. ​​2 Tim. 4:19-20 Mark left, but he did come back
  29. Sometimes people will desert the work
  30. We need to stay committed to the Bible

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