12/17/23 Being Good Stewards and Not Allowing the World to Take Advantage of Us

Scripture: 1 John 2:15-17
Evangelist: Bro. Ian D. Nickerson, Sr.
Bro. Eric Mallet

  1. ​​Stewardship of my health, relationship, money, ministry
  2. Steward is the manager of a household; Oversees another estate affairs
  3. An estate is everything comprising the net worth of an individual, including all land and real estate, possessions, financial securities, cash, and other assets that the individual owns or has a controlling interest in.
  4. ​​I Corinthians 6:15
  5. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, your body is not your own
  6. ​​Everything belongs to God! I Chronicles 29:11
  7. Psalms 24:1; Deuteronomy 10:14; Haggai 2:8
  8. ​​Everything including silver & Gold are the Lord’s
  9. ​​Be good stewards on your jobs
  10. Get out of Claiming ownership mentality
  11. ​​Here are three ways to get out of the ownership trap: 1. Give it to the Lord. Make a quit claim deed that represents your surrender of it all to Him. Record everything you think you own and declare in your heart that it all belongs to God. ​​2. Catch yourself describing stuff as “mine.”3. Get into learning the joy of being a faithful steward.
  12. Consumer credit debt hits $4.10 trillion
  13. ​​Debt is not just a lower-income problem
  14. A single debt source can take decades to pay off
  15. Medical bills hurt your wallet most often
  16. Less than half the country saves $100 a month
  17. ​​Give your money a job!
  18. Embrace your true expenses
  19. Age your money. How many months can I keep money in the future so that it grows? Take your money as far as you can. A forward thinking mindset and not a right now mindset
  20. ​​Matthew 6:24
  21. Correct your mindset. Do not worry
  22. 95% of the world are poorer than you
  23. Luke 15:11

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