3/13/22 A Model of Forgiveness
Scripture: Genesis 45:1-20
Evangelist: Ian D. Nickerson, Sr
- First sign of true forgiveness is… I will not repeat their offenses to other people
- hen someone offends you, God judges what they did and how you respond.
- The second sign is.. I don’t seek revenge and I’m not resentful.
- Matthew 5:43 Pray for the ones that hurt you.
- The third sign of true forgiveness is… I don’t rewind offense or repay my emotions. Most of the pain after the original offense the pain your feeling is self-inflicted because you allow yourself to sit in negative emotion.
- The fourth sign is… I release you from your worry and remember my story differently.
- Most of the pain after the original offense the pain your feeling is self-inflicted because you allow yourself to sit in negative emotion. But God is in control.
- There is a difference in a moment and a movement.