3/6/22 Courageous Conversations
Scripture: Matthew 18:15
Evangelist: Ian D. Nickerson, Sr.
- Jesus teaches us how to learn to deal with offenses
- The offense that is not reconciled leads to division and closed spirits which destroys our witness
- Offenses are inevitable Matthew 18:7
- Jesus says, how you handle your disagreements bears witness to the reality of Christ in your life
- Jesus says, if your brother trespasses against you, go to him and him alone.
- Forgiveness is always on me! Matthew 18:15ff Matthew 5:21-24ff
- Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the son of God Matthew 5:9
- Why does Jesus put the ownership on me if I’m the offended one? Because in every moment of offense, the Lord is trying to mature you. He asks..Do you want to be at peace?
- 1 Peter 3:10-11
- Romans 12:18
- It’s interesting the we live at peace with those not close to us rather than those close to us
- Keeping a closed spirit hurts you more than the person that offended you