8/4/24 The Discipline to Dwell Together in Unity
Scripture: Psalm 133:1
Preacher: Elder Anthony Williams, Sr.
- We live in a world that’s divided
- There is division in our community
- There is division in our homes
- There is divisions in our churches
- We have a responsibility to maintain unity
- Psalm 133:1 How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!
- This month is a great chance to challenge ourselves to do what is good and right
- Acts 15:36-41
- Paul and Barnabas were the dream team for Christ
- Our significance comes in the collective and not individually
- Being a christian doesn’t mean we are free from challenges. It means we have resources and tools and God’s word that allows us the opportunity to be successful Christians.
- 1 Corinthians 1:10-17
- it’s all about Him and we must be unified and make the kingdom our priority
- What are you doing to make sure we are unified and a blessing?
- Tell your story and let God use you to bless the kingdom
- John 17:20-26
- Have the discipline to dwell together in unity and make the kingdom the focal point